A dog bite can cause a great deal of damage. Though some dog bites may only result in minor injuries, the physical and psychological harm from this kind of animal attack could be long-lasting or even permanent. If a dog owner’s negligence caused your injury, you could recover significant financial compensation with the help of legal counsel.

Dog owners are obligated to protect others from their animals and failing to do so could cause them to be held liable for your injuries. A Boulder dog bite lawyer could use their knowledge of this area of law to determine if you have a viable case and help you present your claim in court to recover the damages you are owed.

First Steps After a Dog Bite in Boulder

The most important step after experiencing a dog attack is to seek medical attention. Every dog bite deserves medical care, as even a minor bite could lead to a dangerous infection from the bacteria and other pathogens in a dog’s mouth. More serious bites can lead to permanent damage to skin, muscles, or nerves.

After receiving medical attention, the plaintiff should take steps to document their injuries. This could include pictures of the wound, getting names of eyewitnesses, keeping all medical records, and collecting any other information related to the dog attack and subsequent treatment. All of this information could play an essential role in successfully establishing negligence during a case.

Typical Dog Bite Injuries

A dog bite can range from extremely severe to relatively minor, but any type of attack could have a serious impact on the injured party. Injuries can require surgery, rehabilitation, medicinal treatment, and more. These can carry high financial costs and may result in time lost at work.

Common physical injuries caused by a dog bite include, but are not limited to:

  • Scars
  • Infections and other disease
  • Rabies
  • Lacerations and skin injury
  • Punctures
  • Muscle damage
  • Facial and eye damage
  • Head and brain injury
  • Broken bones
  • Disfigurement

These physical injuries can take a significant toll on an injured plaintiff’s wellbeing and may deserve compensation in a dog bite lawsuit in Boulder court.

Psychological Impact of a Dog Bite

Psychological trauma is also a common result of a dog attack. A serious bite can lead to a lasting fear of dogs, nightmares, flashbacks, and many other post-traumatic stress symptoms from the attack. These symptoms may be compensable similarly to physical injuries, as a Boulder attorney could further explain.

Colorado Dog Bite Law

State law sets different legal standards for dog owners depending on the situation. Unlike in some states, the owner does not need to have had prior knowledge of the dog’s potential aggression to be held liable. Depending on certain factors, such as the owner’s prior knowledge of aggression, the severity of the injuries, and the location of the injury, the legal standards that apply to the dog bite may differ.

A skilled dog bite attorney in the Boulder area understands how to navigate the complexities of the state’s dog bite laws to maximize a plaintiff’s chances of obtaining adequate compensation.

A Boulder Dog Bite Attorney Could Be Your Legal Advocate

Dog bite injuries are a common form of harm that can lead to significant physical and emotional suffering. If your trauma is the result of a dog owner’s reckless or careless actions, a Boulder dog bite lawyer could help you hold them accountable for their negligence. Contact us today to learn more about your legal options and get started on your case.